Luis Rocha's lab, the Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence (CASCI) research group at Binghamton University and the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, works on complex systems and network science. We are particularly interested in the informational properties of natural and artificial systems which enable them to adapt, learn, and evolve. This means both understanding how information is fundamental for controlling the behavior and evolutionary capabilities of complex systems, as well as abstracting principles from nature to produce adaptive intelligent systems. This theoretical and applied research agenda focuses on tackling multi-level complexity involved in human health, and is organized in three main threads: complex networks & systems, computational and systems biology, and computational intelligence. Our publications are available online.

See our current roster and information on how to join our group. Luis Rocha is also co-director with Johan Bollen of the Consortium for Social and Biomedical Complexity (CSBC) between Indiana University and Binghamton University (SUNY). Our group is seriously interconnected with other research groups and networks such as the Center for Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems (CoCo) and the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência.

Academics and Research

We are always looking for postdocs and students at any level to collaborate with us. Professor Rocha currently works with students from various programs, chiefly the graduate program in Systems Science at Binghamton University (SUNY), but also the NSF-NRT Interdisciplinary Program in Complex Networks & Systems he created, the Programme in Integrative Biology and Biomedicine at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, and others.

All available postdoctoral positions are now filled. But we will soon (early 2023) be accepting applications for one or more full-time non-tenure track postdoctoral fellows to conduct interdisciplinary research in Complex Networks and Systems applied to various social, ecological, biological, medicine and health problems in our lab at the Systems Science and Industrial Engineering Department at Binghamton University (State University of New York) or the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia.

Current lab members see graduate forms needed during Systems Science program. There is also a dissertation proposal set of guidelines, and dissertation and thesis examples.


You are welcome to join our Google Group and mailing list by requesting to join.


From front row to back, left to right: Johan Bollen, Luis Rocha, Marijn ten Thij, Sofia Teixeira, Herbert Sizek, Monica Marion, Lauren Benson, Kelly McClinton, John Metzcar, Harry Yaojun Yan, Alexander Barron, Thoma Varely, Xuan Wang, Bao Truong, Shi-Cheih Wang, Aheong Min, Patrick Wall

CASCI Meetings

The CASCI lab meets Friday @ 09:30am in Engineering Building, Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence Lab (EB, C3, 1st Floor), and on Zoom.

Congratulations to CASCI member Miguel Bernardo Pereira for successfully defending his M.S. Thesis entitled "Distance Backbones of Weighted Graphs" in December 2023. Bernardo was co-supervised by Luis Rocha and Pedro Martins Rodrigues. Mr. Pereira's research deals with the topic of sparsification of weighted graphs using distance backbones of a weighted graph. He examined how these backbones preserve characteristics of epidemiological simulations carried out onsocial networks using Susceptible-Infected and Susceptible-Infected-Recovered models. Bernardo is currently a research assistant at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia .

Congratulations to CASCI member Ian Wood for successfully defending his dissertation entitled "Time-series analysis of sentiment in social media can predict individual and collective behavior of public health significance in June 2023. Ian was co-supervised by Luis Rocha and Johan Bollen. Dr. Wood’s research investigates how the use of natural language processing and lexical sentiment of social media timelines can be useful in predicting health outcomes in epilepsy, human reproductive cycles and mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ian is now Senior Software Engineer at LinkedIn

Postdocs and Research Fellows

PhD Students

Undergraduate Students

We are happy to work on research projects with undergraduate students, especially in summer projects. In 2022 we worked with outstanding students Kian Bigovic Villi (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Isabel Campgnolo (Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal), and João Adaixo (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.) See a summary of their amazing summer projects.

Miguel Bernardo Pereira

M.S. Thesis "Distance Backbones of Weighted Graphs", 2023, in the Applied Mathematics and Computation Program at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal. Currently Graduate Research Assistant, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Portugal.

Austin Marcus

M.S. Thesis "Genesis of organization from random mixture: emergence of complex spatial patterns in a non-driven collective motion model", 2023, in Systems Science, Binghamton University. Currently a PhD student in the Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology (MCSB) program at the University of California, Irvine.

Dr. Aehong Min

PhD dissertation in the health Informatics track of the Informatics PhD Program : "Extending and facilitating informal care networks, 2023, Indiana University. Currently Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California, Irvine

Dr. Kelly McClinton

PhD dissertation in the NSF-NRT Interdisciplinary training in Complex networks and Systems and individualized dual-major in Virtual Heritage: Computationally Modeling Roman Domestic Art and Architecture. 2021, Indiana University. Currently DPhil Student at Oxford University, Assistant Director of the Virtual World Heritage Lab at Indiana University, and research affiliate at the Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence Lab at Binghamton University.

Dr. Andreia Sofia Teixeira

Previous Postdoctoral Fellow: Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Sikander Khare

MS Thesis in Informatics/Complex Networks and Systems: Canalization in Stochastic Boolean Networks. 2020, Indiana University. Currently Ph.D. student at the University of Florida.

Dr. Steven Williams

Dual-PhD dissertation in the Complex Systems track of the Informatics PhD Program as well as the Cognitive Science program: “Neural Correlates of Adaptive Behavior: Structure, Dynamics, and Information Processing. 2019, Indiana University. Currently a Software Developer at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Alexander Gates

Dual-PhD dissertation in the Complex Systems track of the Informatics PhD Program as well as the Cognitive Science program: The anatomical and effective structure of complex systems. 2017, Indiana University. Currently Assistant Professor, School of Data Science, University of Virginia.

Dr. Artemy Kolchinsky

PhD Dissertation in the Complex Systems track of Informatics: Measuring Scales: Integration and Modularity in Complex Systems. 2015, Indiana University. Currently a researcher at the Universal Biology Institute, a theoretical biology group at the University of Tokyo.

Dr. Manuel Marques-Pita

Previous Postdoctoral fellow. Currently: Assistant Professor at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal. See also his famous sejkko alter-ego on Instagram

Dr. Tiago Simas

PhD Dissertation in Cognitive Science: Stochastic Models And Transitivity In Complex Networks. 2012, Indiana University. Currently Associate Professor and Head of the Informatics and Information Systems Department at the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal

Dr. Alaa Abi-Haidar

PhD Dissertation: An adaptive document classifier inspired by T-Cell cross-regulation in the immune system. 2011, Indiana University. Currently artist/scientist-in-residency at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia

Dr. Marcio Mourao

PhD Dissertation: Reverse engineering the mechanisms and dynamical behavior of complex biochemical pathways. 2011, Indiana University. Currently: Data Science Consultant for the Consulting for Statistics, Computing and Analytics Research Center (CSCAR) at the University of Michigan.

Professor Ana Maguitman

Previous Postdoctoral fellow. Currently: Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

Dr. Humberto Santos

PhD Dissertation: Analysis and simulation of the innovation process from an evolutionary perspective. 2008, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal. Deceased.

Jasleen Kaur

MSc. Bioinformatics, Indiana University, 2007

Professor Chien-Feng Huang

Previous Postdoctoral fellow. Currently: Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Dr. Andreas Rechtsteiner

PhD Dissertation: Multivariate Analysis of Gene Expression Data and Functional Information: Automated Methods for Functional Genomics. 2005, Portland State University. Currently: Associate Scientist at UC Santa Cruz.

Professor Anália Lourenço

Previous Postdoctoral Visitor. Currently Associate Professor at Universidade de Vigo: Ourense, Ourense, Spain.

Professor Johan Bollen

PhD Dissertation: A cognitive model of adaptive web design and navigation. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 2001. Currently: Professor, Indiana University.


If you are interested in working with us in Complex Systems, Complex Networks, and Computational Intelligence, there are several ways to study and collaborate with us. Professor Luis Rocha supervises students and works with postdoctoral and senior researchers.

Reka Albert

Liana Apostolova

Alain Barrat

Johan Bollen

Katy Börner

Paulo Navarro Costa

Manlio DeDomenico

Joana Gonçalves-Sá

Lang Li

Wendy Miller

Filippo Radicchi

Giancarlo Ruffo

Selma Sabanovic

Hagit Shatkay

David Soriano-Paños

Olaf Sporns

Alfonso Valencia

Salvatore Vilella

Selected people we have collaborated with:

Alaa Abihaidar, Fernando Almeida e Costa, Michael Altherr, R. Baker Kearfott, Mark Bedau, Johan Bollen, Thomas Brettin, Edward Browne, Jean Challacombe, Ernesto Costa, Rui M. Costa Antonio Coutinho, Mariella DiGiacomo, Dario Floreano, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Rob Goldstone, Raphael Gottardo, Inman Harvey, Charles Henry, Wim Hordijk, Chien-Feng Huang, Norman Johnson, Cliff Joslyn, Marianna Kantor, Jasleen Kaur, Vladik Kreinovich, Lang Li, Anália Lourenço, Richard Luce, Jeremy Luinstra, Ana Maguitman, Manuel Marques-Pita, Pedro Medina-Martins, Melanie Mitchell, Sheetal Narayanan, Predrag Radivojac, Predrag Radivojac, Steen Rasmussen, Andreas Rechtsteiner, Isabel Rocha, Miguel Rocha, Hagit Shatkay, Thomas Shenk, Tiago Simas, Steven Smith, Charlie Strauss, Herbert Van de Sompel, Karin Verspoor, Alessandro Vespignani, Michael Wall, Zhiping (Paul) Wang, Larry Yeager.

Present and Past affiliated Research Groups:

Indiana University Network Institute and CNeTS: Center for Complex Networks and Systems @ The School of Informatics and Computing, Complex Systems & Networks @ Indiana University, NaN- the Networks and Agent Networks, Artificial Life @ Indiana University, Computational Biology @ Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Complex Systems Modeling Team @ Los Alamos National Laboratory

Redundancy in Structure and Dynamics of Complex Systems

NERCCS 2021: Fourth Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems
April 1, 2021


Towards Understanding the Multi-Level Complexity of Human Health: From Drug Interaction to Human Reproduction Cycles

Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad C3
January 31, 2018


Das redes sociais aos comportamentos biológicos (in PT)

Jardim de Verão, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
FB Post. July 15, 2017

Part: 1 2 3 4 5

Redundancy and Control in Complex Networks

Mathematical Biosciences Institute
April 11, 2016


Redundancy, control and collective computation in network dynamics

Indiana University Network Science Institute Talk Series
October 13, 2014


Turing’s Tape and the Cybernetics of Biocomplexity

The Alan Turing Centenary Symposium
October 13, 2014


Dynamics in Complex Networks: Preserving robustness in a hyper-connected World

Invited Lecture at Everything Is Connected Conference @ GreenFest, Estoril, Portugal.
September 18, 2009
