The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência’s (IGC) scientific interests are centered on the genetic basis of development and evolution of complex systems, privileging organism-centered approaches and using experimental models that include plants, yeast, flies, frogs and mice, while working on the genetics of complex human diseases as well. These objectives are increasingly dependent upon strong human competencies and appropriate working conditions in computational biology and bioinformatics. Moreover, this interdisciplinary research field is notoriously dependent on networks of collaboration.
Using its expertise and knowledge base, the Oeiras Advanced Studies at IGC is now launching innovative research and educational initiatives in mathematical and computational biology. One of these initiatives is launching a multi-institutional Mathematical and Computational Biology Collaboratorium. We envision this collaboratorium as an open organization, designed to enable intense cooperation with national and international institutions: the center hub of a collaborative network of research institutions. Its chief aims are to identify and provide suitable facilities for visiting scientists, and hosting informatics technology to enable continuing off-site collaboration and research in Mathematical and Computational Biology. The other main goal of the collaboratorium is to use its research collaborations to ensure the attraction and education of quality students.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together those interested in this area in Portugal so that we can map the community of researchers and institutions working in Portugal who are interested in this collaboratorium. At the workshop, the scope and objectives of the Collaboratorium will be introduced to the local community who will also present technical presentations in the field.
9.00-9.20: "Theoretical Immunology @ IGC", Jorge Carneiro, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
9.20-9.40: "Overview of the Centro de Fisica Teorica e Computacional", Margarida Telo da Gama, Centro de Fisica Teorica e Computacional, Universidade de Lisboa
9.40-10.00: "Overview of the Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics group at INESC", Ana Teresa Freitas and Arlindo Oliveira, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores
10.00-10.20: "Complex Systems Approach to Computational Biology", Luis M. Rocha, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fernando Ramoa Ribeiro, Antonio Coutinho, Jorge Carneiro, Luis Rocha, Marie-France Sagot
11.40-12.00: "Protein modelling group @ ITQB: Biomolecular modelling / Structural bioinformatics", Claudio Soares, Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica
12.00-12.20: "GPCRs in Plasmodium", Pedro Coutinho, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
12.20-12.40: "Molecular simulations in biologically relevant ensembles", Antonio M. Baptista, Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
12.40-13.00: "Fluid Dynamics in Blood Circulation", Adélia Sequeira, Department of Mathematics, Instituto Superior Tecnico
14.00-14.20: "The architecture of complex networks", Jose Ferreira Mendes, Universidade de Aveiro
14.20-14.40: "Modularity and Evolution of Biological Networks", Jose Pereira Leal, European Bioinformatics Institute
14.40-15.0: "Public Goods Dilemma, The Tragedy of the Commons and Evolutionary Biology", Francisco Dionisio, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
15.00-15.20: "Spatially extended discrete models for epidemic spread", Jose A Verdasca, Centro de Fisica Teorica e Computacional, Universidade de Lisboa
15.20-15.40: "Mathidemics, Compidemics and Epidemics", Gabriela Gomes, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
16.00-16.20: "Population genetics models of microbial evolution.", Isabel Gordo, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
16.20-16.40: "Order and disorder in Bacterial genomes", Eduardo Rocha, Institut Pasteur, Atelier de Bioinformatique
16.40-17.00: "Representation of DNA sequences by Virtual Potentials", Joao Aires de Sousa, Departamento de Quimica, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
17.00-17.20: "Hypermutation in Germinal Centres", Jose Faro, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
17.40-17.40: "Basic immuno-virological studies in silico", Ruy Ribeiro, Los Alamos National Laboratory