Fuzzy Development Programs
This page contains Resources on Fuzzy Development Programs, and applications to Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms, Agent-Based Modeling of Evolutionary Systems and Optimization.
Publications on Fuzzy Development Programs
Taylor,T., [2004]. "Niche Construction and the Evolution of Complexity". In: Artificial Life IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. Pollack,J., Bedau,M., Husbands,P., Ikegami,T. (Eds.), MIT Press, pp. 375-380.
Rocha, Luis M. [2001]." Evolution with Material Symbol Systems." Biosystems. Vol. 60, pp. 95-121.
Rocha, Luis M. [2001]." The Origin of a Code Through RNA-like Sequence Editing." Artificial Life. In Preparation. Based on a lecture (pdf format) delivered at the Gordon Research Conference on RNA editing, January 21-26, 2001, Ventura, CA.
Rocha, Luis M. [1998]." Evidence Sets and Contextual Genetic Algorithms: Exploring Uncertainty, Context, and Embodiment in Cognitive and Biological Systems. PhD Dissertation. State University of New Yor at Binghamton.
Rocha, Luis M. [1995]." Contextual Genetic Algorithms: Evolving Developmental Rules ." In: Advances in Artificial Life . F. Moran, A.Moreno, J.J. Merelo, and P. Chacon (Eds.). Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag. pp. 368-382.
FDPTest (zip file contains executable for Windows only). This program can be used to test and see different randomly generated FDP's, or to produce them from hexadecinal strings
FDPWorld (zip file contains executable for Windows only). This program can be used to run simulations described in the publications above.