Evolutionary Systems and Artificial Life

by Luis Rocha

This course has been re-designed as a new course now offered at Indiana University: biologically-inspired computing. The lecture notes of the new course have updated substantially the notes from the old course below; therefore, I encourage readers to looks at the new lecture notes. The old course presented an overview of the field of Evolutionary Systems and its applied branch of Artificial Life. The historical and philosophical foundations of evolutionary thought are explored with particular emphasis on computational simulations of its models. Topics include: Self-Organizing Systems, Natural Selection, Dynamic Systems, Boolean Networks, Cellular Automata, Genetic ALgorithms, Evolutionary Robotics, etc. Students were expected to develop artificial life models, or, if requested, write a specific topic paper. You can check out the lecture notes below. 


Cybernetics and Systems Theory


Discrete Dynamical Systems

Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems

Evolutionary Computation and Intelligent Systems

General Resource Lists

Philosophy and Conceptual Issues

Robotics and Autonomous Agents

Self-Organization and Complexity

Simulations and Software

Social Sciences

For more information contact Luis Rocha at rocha@indiana.edu. Check the Web Design Credits, for due credit.
Last Modified: May 26, 2010