Publications on Instagram Analysis for Public Health

Supplemental Materials for Publications

Software and Analysis

The current beta version of SyMPToM (formely known as Instagram Drug Explorer, IDE) can be accessed here: SyMPToM

The current software is still in beta development. Issues and errors are to be expected as we transpose the paper analysis to a web friendly format.
Any software issues, server irresponsiveness or usage questions can be directed to Rion Brattig Correia at rionbr(at)gmail(dot)com.

Videos & Talks

The Social Network of Healthcare - How Instagram and Twitter are Providing New Insights

Luis Rocha, Director of the Complex Systems Program in the School of Information and Computing at Indiana University Bloomington, explains the new software-driven approach to medical research. Big data generated through social media such as Twitter and Instragram provides a far deeper and fuller examination of the impact of medicines and diseases, leading to greater actionable insights to improve the efficacy of prevention and treatment.