The Sparse Distributed Memory Model and Related Associative Network Models

Organized by the Complex Systems Modeling Team of the Computer Research and Applications Group.

Tim Hely, Santa Fe Institute.

March 24th, CNLS Conference Room, 11am-12:30pm

During this talk I will review the workings of the Sparse Distributed Memory (SDM) - an associative network model which was developed by Pentti Kanerva in the 1980's (1). I will also review a number of "new and improved" revisions of the original model (including one of my own (2)) which overcome some of the disadvantages of the original approach.

The SDM was initially proposed as a new method of storing and retrieving long binary patterns. In the model, a number of nodes (e.g. 1000) are randomly distributed throughout a high-dimensional input space. Each input pattern maps to a specific point in this space. It is extremely unlikely that there will be a memory node at this location. Instead a copy of the signal is sent to every node that is located within a certain Hamming distance. As additional patterns are presented to the network, each node will store more than one input pattern. When retrieving an input pattern from the network, the contents of all nearby nodes are accessed. The copy of the original input pattern is retrieved along with a noise term due to the other stored patterns. If these patterns are random and binary, the noise term should have zero amplitude, and the original signal can be retrieved. However, the performance of the original SDM degrades rapidly if non-random binary patterns are used, or if the length of the input pattern changes. The revised models are able to overcome these and other drawbacks of the original SDM.

(1) "The Sparse Distibuted Memory:. Pentti Kanerva, MIT Press. 1988.

(2) "A New Approach to Kanerva's Sparse Distributed Memory". Tim Hely and David Willshaw, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 8:791-794, 1997.

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Last Modified: March 19, 1999