Special Issue of Artificial Life

International interdisciplinary seminar on new robotics, evolution and embodied cognition (IISREEC)

Editors: Fernando Almeida e Costa, Luis Mateus Rocha , and Mark Bedau

new robotics, evolution and embodied cognition


We are currently preparing a special issue of the MIT Press journal Artificial Life with articles submitted by the participants of this seminar, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal during 12thto 15th November 2002. The general purpose of this seminar was an interdisciplinary discussion centred on "new robotics" envisaging the present state of the art and the foreseeable future of three inter-dependent themes: robotics, biological/evolutionary issues and embodied cognition. The abstracts of all talks are available on-line. More information pertaining to this special issue will be published here as available. For more information please contact the editors.

Guidelines for Authors

All submissions for review should be submitted electronically. We accept postscript (*.ps), Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf), Microsoft Word (*.doc), and Corel WordPerfect (*.wpd) formats. We strongly prefer that the documents are prepared using LaTex, but will accept Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect Files. Please prepare your submissions for review in the appropriate format for final submissions, as specified in the Artificial Life Journal web site. A few things we wish to emphasize are:

  1. Deadline for submission: February 21st, 2003
  2. Double space entire manuscript
  3. References should be numbered in alphabetical order (by first author) at the end.
  4. The information in references should be provided in exactly the order illustrated by recent issues. Check the sample issues on the web.
  5. For in text citations to references use the number in the reference list.
  6. Check instructions for information to be displayed on the first page (contact info, abstract, keywords,etc.) in the journal's guidelines.

Related Links

For more information contact Luis Rocha at rocha@lanl.gov
Last Modified: February 6, 2003