Luis M. Rocha (Research Area Leader): Complex Systems, Computational Biology, Adaptive and Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Life, Social and Biological Networks, Gene Expression Analysis, Gene Network and Protein Function Inference, Agent-based Modeling, RNA Editing, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval, Collective Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination, Adaptive Webs, Fuzzy Sets and Uncertainty, Evidence Theory, Interval Computation
Frank Alexander: Nonequilibrium Physics, Phase Transitions, Nucleation and
Critical Phenomena, Disordered Systems, Computational Kinetic Theory, Hybrid and Accelerated Computational Methods.
Luis M. A. Bettencourt: Statistical Physics, Complex Systems, Models of Social Networks, Agent-based Models, Network Models, Stochastic Field Theories, Quantum Fields, Living Neural Networks.
Cliff Joslyn: Systems Science and Cybernetics,
Computational Semiotics and Semiotic Modeling, Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Networks, Generalized Information Theory and
Uncertainty Quantification, Inductive Modeling for Data Mining, Computer-Aided Systems Theory (CAST), Biological Semiotics, Cybernetic Philosophy.
Achla Marathe: Simulation of Socio-Economic Systems, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Applied Econometrics and Statistics, Market Efficiency and Corporate Finance.
Allon Percus: Extremal Optimization, Combinatorial Optimization in Biology, Traveling Salesman Problem, Multiresolution Analysis, Data Mining
Andreas Rechtsteiner: Computational Biology, Gene Expression Analysis, Singular Value Decomposition, Knowledge Discovery in Biomedical databases, Protein Fucntion Inference, Artificial Life, Neural Networks.
Tiago Simas: Artificial Immune Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination, Fuzzy Set Theory, Data-Mining, Information Retrieval, Recommendation Systems.
Michael E. Wall: Systems biology, Structural biology, Genetic regulatory networks, Gene Expression Analysis, Singular Value Decomposition, Protein Function Inference.