Application Areas
These are some of the areas that can profit from the application of complex systems modeling research and development. See also our specific
current projects
in these areas.
Computational Biology
DNA Sequencing
Combinatorial optimization in biology
Microarray data analysis
: Using
Custering and Association Rules
Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Components Analysis
Genetic Regulatory Networks
Design Principles of Genetic Regulatory Networks
Models of genetic regulatory processes
such as
RNA Editing
Protein Function Inference (LDRD-DR)
Integrative Technology for Bioinformatics
: Network properties of living neural networks
Social Systems
Social Networks
Social trends and the structure of human societies
Identification of Interests, Trends and Dynamics in Document Networks
, Dynamics of Social Networks.
Decision Processes and Knowledge Structures of Multi-Agent Systems
agent-based modeling of socio-technical organizations
Agent-based modeling for Agents with Knowledge
Economic and Financial Markets Modeling
- Modeling and Simulation of Deregulated Electricity Market
Homeland Defence and Intelligence Community
Discovery of latent associations in terrorist networks
, Infrastructure Protection.
Distributed Knowledge Systems
Information Retrieval, Web Technology, and Digital Libaries
: Adaptive Behavior and Reinforcement Learning to develop
Recommendation Systems for Digital Libraries
Identification of Interests, Trends and Dynamics in Document Networks
Knowledge Integration
Advanced Knowledge Integration in Assessing Terrorist Threats
Integrative Technology for Bioinformatics
Local Search Methods
Extremal Optimization
Combinatorial optimization in biology
Evolutionary Systems
Evolutionary Algorithms
Contextual Genetic Algorithms
Mate Selection Schemes in Genetic Algorithms
Immune System Model to Explore Mate Selection in Genetic Algorithms
Cellular Automata and Artificial Life
Reproduction Strategies
Evolving Cellular Automata Rules
For more information contact
Luis Rocha
Last Modified: August 16, 2003